how to steal ideas that work

Read time: 3 min. (make sure you click "show images.")

No one tells you this about creative work

Creative ≠ Original

There is a secret ingredient: inspiration.

It's how we were designed.

Picture a baby. First, she imitates. Then, she learns. And moves on to the next thing.

Why does it work?

We see what works for others. We adapt it for our use. We reap similar benefits.

There's no shame in it. Creativity is far from originality.

It's all about synthesizing ideas that have already survived in the real world.

Here's the caveat

Inspiration isn't copy & paste.

When an idea permeates your system, it blends with your identity (your thoughts, feelings, values, experiences) and it changes form, gaining new DNA.

That's why everybody has their unique way of doing things.

DNA of a unique idea (No image here? Click "show images" above.)

Here are 2 practical ways you can use inspiration to get results in your business.

Option 1: Blend a HOW and a WHY

Pick one idea that works in the real world. Let's say:

  • A lot of people pay money to learn from online video courses. (Fact. )

This is your how.

Now pick a purpose that fits you. Let's say you're an accountant.

  • "I have unique knowledge in something that could help other accountants land better gigs." (Fact. ) i.e. running due diligence in companies before they get acquired.

The HOW: using video format

The WHY: help accountants master due diligence

Option 2: Use what you don't have

Sometimes, comparing ourselves to others isn't that bad.

Whose work do you admire? Copy them.

Once you start copying, you'll see you fall short in some parts of the craft.

I follow a lot of great artists.

Unlike them, I can't draw perspective. That's why my sketches look raw. But people love it for that.

It's good enough. It puts me in the game. I can get my unique message across. I can keep going.

“Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing.” 

Salvador Dalí

Sitting at your desk, waiting for creativity to hit? You might as well 👀 at other people's work.

You never know what you'll come up with.

Did you ever get inspired by another person's work that delivered results for you? Reply to this email — I'd love to hear it. (I read and respond to every reply.)

That's it for today!

Hope you enjoyed today's very first issue of Begin, Build, Become.

I'll be iterating to make this letter into... who knows what shape and form.

Stay building!

Love, B.