Sharing my new product

I need your opinion on this

Read time 2 min. (Make sure you click “display images.”)

Our inner traffic lights

We’ve made it to the last issue of 2023!

If, like me, you are worried about not working hard enough while family time stands as a priority (especially) at this time of the year, you’re not alone.

Luckily, working in sprints makes more sense to me. Work hard for a period of time. Rest and recharge for the next work period. Repeat.

More interesting. More doable. More human.

Watch your inner traffic lights and enjoy the ride. (No visual here? Click “display images” above.)

Taking a half-hearted break

My kids are 4 and 1. This time of the year, with school holidays, family visits and every tiny moment in between, I was obliged to take a half-hearted break from launching things.

Half-hearted because I’m beaming with ideas and there is a lot I wanna do. AND I know the time with my kids is precious.

Despite all of the internal debate, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I need your opinion

Among the chaos, I actually did build something I never shared anywhere yet.

I need your opinion because I’m unsure about when to announce it outside of this newsletter.

It’s a product I had on my mind for a while. Something I myself will use every day.

A physical planner. But not just a regular one. An INDIE one.

The problem is, I’ll only hold the physical proof copy in my hands on the 6th of January and I don’t feel comfortable selling something that hasn’t passed my testing.

It’s already available for purchase on Amazon.

Here are my concerns

  1. I haven’t seen the proof myself, what if there are print errors etc?

  2. This is a dated planner so if I start selling it at the end of the first week of January 2024, will people buy it? Or will it be too late?

  3. I wonder if I should create an undated version so that people can buy it any time of the year? But then it will be even more delayed.

Question for you: Do you think I should start marketing it before receiving the proof copy myself? Hit reply and let me know. (Or on Twitter.)

I’ll share my process building and launching a physical info product on Amazon KDP in the coming issues. Stay tuned!


That’s it for this week. Happy New Year!

Oh, and a pat on my back for not missing a single issue of this newsletter since launch. One’s gotta celebrate the small wins.

Love, B.

Başak Anıl

I’m currently building 12 products in 12 months and write this weekly newsletter Begin, Build, Become.

Let’s chat on X @hellobasak or email [email protected]